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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Lest Anyone Forget, Today is February 14

Lest anyone forget, or Don't forget about Lester, er..I mean, WH Toohill, today is his birthday, most appropriately on St. Valentines Day. salutes the great one with a tribute to the movie Overboard.

Poorly filmed, ridiculous plot, haphazard dialogue, what could be better? This was one of the great cable movies most often watched by those of us up all night with infants, and our birthday boy in question, who most certainly enjoyed this movie. Goldie Hawn, Kurt Russel, and some guy that kind of looked like John Candy (Mike Hagerty, just looked it up), Roddy McDowell, Edward Herman, and a bunch of smart aleck kids, and some generally mis-timed laughter (if I remember correctly) from the Bowles Street audience all make for a great mix in this 1987 comedy.

The goal in this movie was to make a lunatic mini-golf course, while maintaining a fictional presence to fool a amensiod Goldie Hawn. This one could have been written in a long afternoon at the Tap, but it was still funny. Anyone for a remake?


Anonymous said...

His wedding anniversary would have been on the 17th.

Anonymous said...

One Valentines Day when I was just big enough to hold a pitch fork, you know 4; Uncle Hugh and I were cleaning out the barn. in between loads I was asking Hughie how old he was. He replied "Today I am exactly 18 1/2 years older than you are". I asked several times and he replied the same way each time. But he kept saying TODAY louder and slower. Finally I said "well happy birthday" with his head held high and that big smile, using that patented "HA HA HA" laugh of his he says "nephew your good man but you ain't very quick are ya James Daniel?"

Funny I don't remember what I did today at all; but that memory sticks in my mind clearly........I miss him

Anonymous said...

A remake could be based on a Hog City deb who gets tossed out of the family bass boat on the Illinois river and is taken in by one of the Havanna melon growers. Maybe you can work in a fireworks stand for good measure.

An alternative is Clinton Lake but that would be tasteless based on events that have taken place there.

Maybe a gravel pit?


Anonymous said...

A remake could be based on a Hog City deb who gets tossed out of the family bass boat on the Illinois river and is taken in by one of the Havanna melon growers. Maybe you can work in a fireworks stand for good measure.

An alternative is Clinton Lake but that would be tasteless based on events that have taken place there.

Maybe a gravel pit?


Anonymous said...

James, Wasn't Hugh always exactly 18 1/2 years older than you, every day?

Anonymous said...

Well mrtoohillbeef - the best part of Hughie's love of "overboard" was how he would announce why he liked the movie so much....."because those kids remind me of my nephews James and Jerry Toohill".....and most importantly he would make the announcement like none of us had ever seen or heard of you before....I think WHTwas hoping for some brief Goldie Hawn nudity as well which I don't recall...bbd

Anonymous said...

As an aside to Overboard, besides the riveting football scenes, and the powerful socio-political message, the Goldie Hawn brief nudity (GHbn) was the best thing about "Wildcats" too.

And I think there was some GHbn in Private Benjamin, too.

Anonymous said...


She's no Tweed.


Anonymous said...

Amen to that my brother.

Anonymous said...

I currently work with a guy who was one of the kids. (He no longer acts.) He said that it was great working with Goldie and Kurt.

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