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Friday, February 15, 2008

Going all Don Rich all the Time

At the risk of going all Buck and Don all the time (a risk I am willing to take, by the way), here are Don Rich and Buck Owens and the Buckaroos "Fooling Around" from about 1965. As one of our commenters has mentioned, Don is so happy he looks like he just got back from Decatur.

Or maybe is was just that great to play guitar with Buck Owens. Here you go..


Anonymous said...

Buck and Don look like they're on vacation in a Mediterrainian/ Spanish colonial set. And they've got the Matador togs to go along with it. What gives? Where are the hay bales and bib overalls?

Whatever the case, I'll take their crystal clear and harmonious vocals over any version of John Mayer's raspiness that I hear on the radio today.


Anonymous said...

Those outfits rule.

sempleman said...

I just picked up the 2 DVD set of "The Best of the Johnny Cash TV Show," and if you like this you've got to check it out. It has most of the usual suspects including June Carter, Waylon Jennings, Merle Haggard, Tammy Wynette, etc. but also some unexpected gems by Bob Dylan, James Taylor, Neil Young, Creedence Clearwater Revival and Derek & the Dominos (Eric Clapton), who do a blistering take with Carl Perkins on the Perkins song "Matchbox."
Also some pretty funny segments by the Statler Brothers before they got their own TV show.

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