How is this for a catch phrase "Fire up a colortini, sit back, relax, and watch the pictures, now, as they fly through the air." Tom Snyder smoked who throughout his Tomorrow show, the cigarette cloud swirling around him during interviews, has died at age 71. Among his guests were John Lennon, Charles Manson and Johnny Rotten of the Sex Pistols.
Snyder, who more than potraying someone who was funny, actually was funny, was known for his uninhibited laughter, disdain for broadcast conventionalism, and mind bending rapport with his guests. A favorite joke from Tom Snyder
A little bird was walking along the road one day, and all of a sudden, a vulture jumps out of the bushes, grabs the little bird, pulls it into the bushes and has its way with the little bird. When all is said and done, the little bird comes out of the bushes merrily singing "I'm a dove, I'm a dove and I've been loved".
A little later the vulture sees a lark. He swoops down, picks it up and goes into the bushes. A few minutes later, the lark comes out and says, "I'm a lark, I'm a lark and I've been sparked!
"Then along comes a duck. The vulture comes out, grabs the duck and heads for the bushes. After much commotion, the duck comes out singing "I'm a drake, I'm a drake and there's been a terrible mistake".
RIP Tom Snyder