News and Observations from Wapella, Illinois: Home of the Wildcats.

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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Hit wrong button

I hit the wrong button (was sending to if you must know).

The comments were so fantastically absurd I kept them.



Anonymous said...

is this

Anonymous said...

Anon--I'm with you on this one. Willmette, Schmillmette...bring on the bulldozers and let's get back to all things royal blue and white.


Anonymous said...

EEP can attest to this tragic news that happened Sunday. Roy Scheider or better know as 'Sherriff Martin Brody of Jaws" passed away. EEP was once in the works of a remake of this famous film by using characters from Hog City to be cast.
RIP Roy.


Anonymous said...

Just think what that will do to your school system>

Anonymous said...

No one accused those warthogs up in Wilmette of being intelligent, JBP.

I think IRBW has hit the nail on the head as far as a more important story goes, though:

R.I.P. Roy Scheider.

My Wapella-based Jaws script still exists somewhere. Retitled: "Claws" (to capture the terror Central Illinois felt while in the giant bird Big Claw's grip) the principals were:

Roy Scheider character - Shorty Olson

Robert Shaw - Pete Toohill when his sideburns were at their fullest

Richard Dreyfus - Jimmy Holland when he had a full head of hair and looked like Hooper...circa maybe 79 or so.

An adventure like no other, where three men test their merit against Big Claw, T.P. Gaherty, sock puppets, and using a drunken midget being sobered up hanging outside a moving car as bait....


Anonymous said...

This unfortunate, and now I see, removed posting on the zoning board travails of Wilmette, Illinois, gives me pause. Maybe other readers agree that we ought to consider an expanded board of governors. I nominate BEP and EEP to moderate the moderator and keep the _apella in


Anonymous said...

It was Chief Brody. Amity was a town.

I would be happy to assist EEP in moderating the Moderator. Can he be modulated?


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