Yes, we are going all Olson all the time again..at least for today.
Here is a Pantagraph story about former Wildcat star Kurt Olson, who also coached at University High School.
The Wapella flag is flying high for Kurt Olson.
News and Observations from Wapella, Illinois: Home of the Wildcats.
A nice article about a quality Wapellican. Good luck to Kurt in whatever avenue he chooses to pursue. Always was a nice, classy kid.
Viva la Olson's!
Bit of trivia: Wapella Three-onThree tourney. Kurt was a proud member (re: leading scorer I'm sure)of IRBW and I's Youth championship team, who were later defeated by the Adult team's champions, composed of none other than the Mod, BBD, DIT and RJT, in a VERY controversial game between champions.
P.S: I think Wildcat legend Tim Mollet was on our squad too.
P.S.S: Anyone know where former U-High student/coach Bob Fitzgerald is at now? Used to see him around alot "back in the day."
Bob Fitzgerald is now the boys' varsity basketball coach, having replaced the legendary Cal Hubbard at the end of last season.
As someone stated a while back, If 7th grade Kurt was shooting three's for the Salukis this year, they would be a top 10 team.
Too young to win the tavern pass.
DIT coordinated the event (splendidly might I add). Adults winning team did not include DIT but did include T Mollet.
The highlight of the day was watching Kindred hit 30 footers in a driving rain and windstorm (think the religious man in Caddyshack) and watching out of towners shake their heads in a "where did this guy come from" fashion. Close second was a couple of the Mod's continuation moves (see travelling in dictionary) and I believe he had on a bandana - perhaps a rebel flag bandana which was one of his signatures back in the day. Lastly, General Spencer gave a little symposium on a variety of topics at the Tap - General was unforgettable that day. bbd
I believe we also defeated some "pretty boy" friends of Kansas Cat. One that comes to memory was from Red Bud. And I forgot that along with the trophy,gold medals and championship rings, were the comp. tavern passes. RJT
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