The Clinton Daily Journal, the much maligned local paper, just went up a blip on Wapella.com radar screen. Here is a pleasant story about a local Clinton woman, Summer Moore, who is proudly serving the country with the US Army in Iraq. No politics, no sermonizing, no classified information, just a solid story of local in the Service.
I read the Wall Street Journal , the Chicago Tribune and Sun Times cover to cover ever day; the New York Times, Bloomington Pantagraph, and Financial Times about 3 days a week (busy man, you know), but never have I seen a story with the kicker that the CDJ brought in to this one...it turns out Moore's sister
"Stacy (is) married to Jimmy Morris of Wapella"
Despite years at trying to find the secret formular for newspaper success, never have I seen in any big city paper, the name Jimmy Morris (WHS 86) thrown around in a brazen attempt to gain new readers. Wapella.com salutes the Clinton Daily Journal for recognizing that the name Jimmy Morris is a big seller, and people will be lining up to renew their subscription when you place a big name celebrity endorsement in your editorial copy.
Three Cheers for the Clinton Daily Journal!
1. A Hog City salute to Jim's sister-in-law.
2. Mr. Moderator, it is common practice to reference Wapella to increase readership or viewers on television. During sweeps week on TV, all I see are features on Wapella. I think that "my 2 dads" or whatever that show is called with Charlie Sheen and Greg Evigan (or is that "BJ and the Bear") shot on location in Wapella last week.
3. Agree on the well written article in the CDJ. Some of the best writing since Lyle Ganther reported on some of the WHS baseball showdowns with other central IL powerhouses.
I think Dean Stockwell's character Albert "Al" Calavicci in Quantum Leap was rumoured to be from Hog City, and Al Swearengen in Deadwood was from Wapella in the historical drama. Swearengen certainly has relatives in Wapella and all over DeWitt County today.
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