Just stumbled upon this site. Don't know much about it. Very clean looking. Wishing all software business well in Wapella, because Hog City is where it all happens.
Willoware is a Enterprise Management Software company, which looks to be Headquartered at RR1 Wapella, IL 61777. Click on through, it is a very nice site.
Go Hi-Tech Wildcats!
Looks good. Good luck and God's speed.
Pretty slick operation - thank you for sharing.
This leads me to a question -I'm surprised that it appears that none of the other businesses of Hog City have websites. What gives? License to print $ if the HC businesses secure the .com related revenue stream? This sounds like a job for the brother of EEP. Also, if I remember correctly, the Golf Cart repair shop/video store had a promotional website that later turned into what we now know as You Tube. Hard to believe. bbd
Well...what a surprise to check out our website statistics and see someplace called Wapella.com was a referring site! Cool. WilloWare is a software development company that specializes in distribution and manufacturing related custom modules that "bolt-on" to a mid-market ERP (enterprise resource planning) software from Microsoft called Dynamics GP. We have employees in here in central IL, Devner, and Canada. Through the miracle of the internet...we are a virtual organization.
And to everyone who asks me where Wapella is....it's here!
Thanks for your well wishes!
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