The Staff of Wapella.com, The Wapella Barber and Hairdressers Guild, The Dole Pineapple Corporation, The Dollywood Foundation, Coach Ron Zook, The Zeigler Chamber of Commerce, and The Ol' Possum Himself, Mr George Jones, all wish you a Happy New Year.

Perhaps a dance a the Wapella Auction House, with a toast of '57 Chevy's at the Irish Circle, then some greasy eggs at the Dixie would make this the perfect evening. Any Wildcat memories of New Years Eve Past?
Happy New Year to all from a little town outside Dallas.
Happy New Year Wapella from Grand Prairie, Texas
VIVA LA KENNY! I always felt the best way to punctuate an evening was to do a few donuts in the high school parking lot. bbd
Happy New Year from sunny Southern California, where it's about 68 degrees right now. Enjoyed a green Christmas this year, never missing the snow/ice/cold of the Midwest...
Happy New Year from the Great Lakes region. SoCal, HG has been enjoying in the past two days a snowy glacier in CO, and weather-delayed air travel to Minneapolis, Detroit, and an auto return to northern Indiana. We're getting 6-9" of fresh white stuff tonight followed by a good old fashioned Arctic wind. bbd, there were some donuts being done in Denver, CO, Saturday night at the KingSuper parking lot, but they lacked any gusto whatsoever, especially relative to those of the WHS lot.
Happy New Year from sunny Florida. Love your blog and check it frequently. My family moved from Wapella when I was 13 but my oldest brother was a Wildcat graduate (Phillip Green, class of '57). Butch was a Junior and Jack was in 5th grade when we left. We reminisce frequently about our fond memories of Wapella and all the wonderful people we knew from there.
BBD, you need to change your blogname to funny car. You are the king of donuts. I'll get RI to vouch for you.
Ringing in the Nuevo Ano in Dixie with a gaggle of OMHS seniors in the basement being loud. Don't recall high school being this much fun in the 1970s.
Looking for an Illini victory tomorrow.
Read the Hog City blog every day. Am 1964 grad of WHS. Moved to NW Alabama in 1984 and appreciate this blog so much. It keeps me in touch with my hometown roots. Happy New Year from Dixie. Barb
HG, I'm sure the beautiful CO scenery offset the cold, however that air travel nightmare is another matter. Did your luggage make it home the same time you did, or did it take a separate trip? And, are we talking "lake effect" snowfall there in IN? I remember dealing with those 6"-9"+ snows/Arctic winds in Chicagoland, and I can honestly say that I don't care if I ever see another snowflake in my life!! Happy 2008, and stay warm and dry!
SoCal--luggage was waiting for me at Michiana Regional Airport. After my arrival, the snow began. Old fashioned snow yesterday and today. Lake effect tomorrow. We're now on course for up to 25 inches from this one. Glad I drove in yesterday or HG would have been Wolverine Gato for a few days as all flights are now cancelled.
Go Illini!
Barbh: Are you north of Jasper? Have you ever been to the rattlesnake rodeo in Opp?
BEP -- Husband has relatives in Jasper but never been to the rattlesnake rodeo in Opp. Been to Mule Days and Dog Days (you have to be here to appreciate ... NOT!). We're in NW Alabama on beautiful Blue Water Creek just 1/2 mile from the mouth of the Tennessee River between TVA's Wheeler and Wilson Dams. Caught my first wall mount bass off our dock. Brother Bob is still in Hog City as is my dad John. All graduates of WHS.
Belated Happy New Year from Carroll County Maryland.
j rousey
Barbh: I haven't been to the rattlesnake rodeo either. Always wanted to go. We are in North Shelby County outside of Bham. We add the "North" so as not to be mixed up with the "South" Shelby rabble. Will be working N. Al soon. Wife and one daughter are Tide fans. Not I. Keep in touch. We can start the WHS Alumni Club - Alabama Chapter.
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