One of the only rules in assigning nicknames is that you cannot chose your own. For example, if you want to be called "Clubber" or "The Baron", you have to stick with a name like "Dog Face" or "Tiny" regardless of how flattering it is.
Case in point, Walt "No Neck" Williams. Good hitter, decent career, but appropriately nicknamed "No Neck".
Any nicknames laying dormant for Wildcat usage?
Well, not so much a nickname, but more of a phrase that was spray painted on a certain building on Main St. years ago. :)
The "no neck" nickname brings back memories of when Devin Arteman used to draw the "horse head, ant body" . Classic..
I believe joe cornell was known as "big Country"!
Wapella Chapter.
Grammar/composition alert:
"and appropriately named No-Neck.." "But" indicates a disparity between the phrases you are connecting.
English may be a second language in Alabama, but I am working on keeping it pure.
Excellent point. I know there are detractors of grammar mavens out there. Let them stew in their juices. Keep manning the ramparts!
Are we sure that is grammatically incorrect? I read it as two positives ("good hitter, decent career") with the "but" interceding to add a negative to the aforementioned positives, in the vein of "He was a good drinker, and told great dirty jokes, but he also smelled like he was from Clinton" or something of that nature.
Is it the addition of "appropriately" that we feel throws this whole thing off grammatically? I see it as a passable error. The rules of grammar are indeed what we make of them, and some say, are meant to be stretched, if not broken. See: former ISU prof David Foster Wallace.
I don't think the usage is as much an error as it does not reflect the author's ability and education. On a side note, what about "Onery"? Is this a derivation of "Ornery" or a holdover from Wapella's French past as in "Honore"? Did some Voyaguer (not voyeuer) stop off in town? Does this create an international conflict with Buck's famous "Gov'ner"?
Board of Historians, can we get some help here?
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