$5 Cover, Walapalooza, and 25 Years of the Pride of the Wildcats. Come on up to the Irish Circle Saturday evening for high action, dog-fighting, and 25 Cheers for the Class of 82. All attached to WHS are invited (couldn't stop you from coming anyway, so get on up to the Green Ring).
BEP, are you making the trip North?
Too much going on to pass up.
I have been in constant talks with my mentor, BEP, and sadly, he appears unable to make this trip.
I'm going to make sure I do two things:
1. Pour a little Miller Lite on the curb in his honor
2. Make headlining band, Knucklehead, quiet the crowd for a moment of silence in BEP's name, and then kick into Sweet Home Alabama or Wheel in the Sky or Sister Christian or some such amazing 80's jam.
My weekend just got a little darker
It is with a heavy heart that I advise that I cannot make the trek to Hog City this weekend. I am certain that you two will keep the light burning bright for me at the festivities and enjoy yourselves.
I prefer Sweet Home Alabama, since my family is firmly planted in the soil here.
I'd rather light a candle than curse your darkness H.I., so party on in my honor.
any updates on who was at Wapa-palooza?
In the works....
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