What a hitter, 756 and counting! Wapella.com lowers the Blue and White Banner for a salute to the Home Run King Barry Bonds, and his fine tribute to his father Bobby Bonds. Way to go Barry, hope you hit 100 more. Say Hey to Willie Mays as long as he is out there.
Must give him a little props (little). steroids or not, you still have to hit the home runs. it doesn't matter anyway, a-rod will break this record in about 5-6 years.
any recaps on wapa-palooza 2007 from anyone?? i was there for a while, it was a pretty good time! anyone added to the barred list??
I refuse to salute him on this...Yes, I realize you still have to be able to hit the ball, but the guy has absolutely no class and is for all practical purposes, as Dave Bowman would say...a jerk. No respect from me, sorry.
Congrats to Mr. Bonds. 756 home runs is an amazing accomplishment. I still think Cardinals utility man So Taguchi has a shot at this record. Watch out, Bonds.
Great accomplishment! But he deserves the same treatment as McGwire. NO HALL OF FAME! ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************756, sorry my asterisk key stuck.
Since when does WHS salute cheaters? (Unless, of course, you're talking about a no-call or slight score adjustment on the courts of Thunderdome during heated pick-up games...then cheating is encouraged)
No salute from EEP.
Bonds was an amazing player without the juice. He should have kept it fair.
P.S: Josh Gibson hit more HR's than this, and without 'roids.
Too Easy!, Next! I remember a few dodge ball matches where EEP comes back on the court while being called out behind J. Peroutka's sight of vision.
Bonds can go away anytime. He is the poster boy for what is wrong with sports today.
My hat is tipped to Gwynn and Ripken. They played the game the way it was supposed to be played.
The act of being put down on the dodge ball court, but subsequently making your way back onto the floor unnoticed and then convincing J.P. that you weren't out to begin with is more an art than anything and should be celebrated....
Why no article on Wapapalooza??? That's a huge Wapella event..should be mentioned on Wapella.com. Just my 2 cents.
Hang on.....it's coming....
I recall a x-country race at Decatur St. Teresa where MP Toohill and Darrel "Grinch" Karr cut through a looped route in a cemetery, shaving about 4 minutes off their time, prompting Jerry Peroutka to expect similar performance from them the next time.
I applauded their style at that time and still find them two of the most ingenious Wildcats.
Bonds, Schmonds...I will always remember R. Garland "Sultan of Swat" Haynes' screaming smash over the right center fence at New Holland Middleton.
HG: "The Gar" hit the homer over the short right field fence.
Everyone dissing Barry: I stick up for my Sun Devil brothers and don't want to hear any dissing. Sure, he isn't media friendly and sure he subscribes to better living through chemistry. He did steal over 500 bases and hit a few dingers.
A Rod breaks the record in a few years as reynoldz21 points out, making all of this a waste of time.
500 SB's and 756 HR's? Mickey Mouse.
If A Rod does break the record, his will be tainted as well. Canseco has already called him out on steroids and Canseco's word is the law! Bash Brothers 4 Life.
Sonny: Check the record book. No one comes close to Barry L. Bonds' numbers. I will concede to a lack of defensive acumen as evidenced by his two hopper that couldn't get Sid "Piano on my back" Bream at the plate in the NLCS. That aside, he is good. He probably would have been the first outfielder off of the bench on your Khoury League team.
What is important: Hank Bauer said that when he was going to the bank to cash his World Series checks in the 1950s no one was asking to be traded. No rings for Barry. And, most importantly, Go ASU.
What matters on this site is the Wildcat connection, and few can deny the impact of R. Gar's "shot heard round the world" in New Holland. Hats off to R Gar for not succombing to steroids. No doubt had he taken this path, BB would be in his dust today.
With an all-Toohill outfield, and J.E. Wheat waiting in the wings, Bonds may have been 2nd off the bench...
As far as Bonds, he was one of the best without the chems. Definitely a HOF'er. Too bad he couldn't have stuck it out clean, but he couldn't take Sammy and McGwire getting all the pub. Sin of pride, y'all....sin of pride.
For some *** strange *** reason*** my asterisk **** key is sticking*****************much like IRBW's.*************************
asterisk or not he is still on the top of the list for now. Records are made to be broken, Steroids or not!
I just refuse to let the steroid factor ruin all my childhood heroes. Plus ruin the value of all those rookie cards I have.
Things can get too out of hand with this post for me, out of respect for the ears of my fellow WIldcats, I will post no more on this irritating subject.
Here is a list of my favorite players growing up: Bonds, mcguire, canseco, palmerio, sosa, Damon Berryhill (just kidding). I just wish this steroid thing would go away. It just sucks that all those guys are in the thick of the steroid issue.
Was Danny Borland on steroids? He could really hit the long-ball.
Is this a record for posts??
Keep baseball clean. Do it like Keith Hernandez (aka: "Mex") did it when he won a batting title and was MVP - with cigarettes and cocaine. And when he gave up the coke, martini's. He never resorted to 'roids. Good, honest baseball.
Anon, are you talking about your TOPPS, your FLEER or your DONRUSS cards. We need specificity on this subject.
P.S: this is nowhere near a Wapella.com record for replies. There was a thread about Al that had about twice this many, and several others ran far longer.
Old-school Wapella.com rules.
I agree..the old wapella.com was much better.
Let's keep the posts flying!
Bonds, Mcgwire, Sosa, Palmeiro, Canseco, A-Rod, Clemens, Giambi, etc......... should all be inducted into a seperate Hall of Fame to keep Cooperstown "clean and clear" of this generation of fabricated records. Maybe we need to come up with a Wildcat Hall of Fame. Any ideas EEP or BEP? The Hall doesn't have to be strictly sports either.
A Wildcat Hall of Fame. Best idea I've heard all day.
Maybe Barry Lamar, Sammy, Jose, Mickey Mantle, Billy Martin, Grover "Pete" Alexander and others can be admitted to the substance abuse wing at the Hall. Scott Spiezio has a reservation. Steve Howe can have his picture over the door.
Too much money, too much time and not enough brains. A lethal combination.
Wouldn't an All-Toohill outfield have a few demons in the closet?
Give credit where credit is due.
Some U of I guy invented the CLEAR.
He is known as the Chemist.
It literally gives you the EYE OF THE TIGER.
If I remember correctly from the book "Game of Shadows," that U of I guy was Patrick Arnold.
As far as I am concerned, Bonds doesn't deserve the all-time HR record for his arrogant attitude and unwillingness to be friendly/personal to the people who pay his salary---the fans. The man has alienated more people that we'll ever know and that's another reason why he'll never be able to tag the initials "HOF" along side his name when his career is over.
And to boot, Giants owner Peter Magowan is too naive to see the forest for the trees and fails to realize that Bonds is such a big problem to his ballclub. If he wises up, he'd be better off not offering another $16M contract to the big-headed one.
I see a rather startling correlation in the timing of the "clear" and when Chris Ooms got his feet under him as a chemist for the state. I suspect that BALCO is really Chirs toying with us here at Wapella.com and wanting to be caught. Barry Aided Largely by Chris Ooms - BALCO it makes perfect sense...
Blue Machine, you just blew my mind. Amazing.
Arizona State University knows baseball. That is all you need to know.
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