Yoshio Kinoshita WHS '79 (represented here by Mr. Fuji) has been getting back to his Wapella branches over the last week. After a lively visit with Wapella.com in his current home of Manhattan, Yoshio visited Chicago and some western suburban Wildcats last night for dinner and drafts.
Some highlights:
1) Kinoshita just picked Wapella randomly on a map of the United States when deciding where to stay. Who wouldn't?
2) After contacting Judy Stein, he (still) was set on coming to Wapella.
3) Yoshio enjoyed the country life of Wapella, and thought Glen and Mable Trimble to be very kind people.
4) With respect to which DeWitt Co resident Yoshio found to be the
most challenging to understand English/diction - none other than Jerry
Peroutka took the prize.
5) Yoshio enjoys the song "Brandy" when sung by Hog City types.
Kinoshita-san is planning a visit to Wapella in 2008. Roll out the blue and white carpet!
It was great to see Yoshio after 27 short years! One other thing he mentioned is that he thinks bbd has a really nice singing voice and I agree.
He also likes Wapella chili.
My best to Mr. Y. Kinoshita. I was to join the festivity, but had a previous dinner plan. I must say that I visited him in Warsaw, Poland, a few years ago and was shown a wonderful time in a town far from both of our homes.
I just ate the leftovers from the evening with Yoshio about an hour ago - boy were they tasty. Yoshio and I both ate some chicken and gravy concoction - I'll explain in detail later to all you food lovers and I know you are out there.
Yoshio was great - I fully anticipate that he will bring his wife for a visit to Wapella in 2008! bbd
BBD: What's this "later" business? There's a lot of us out here hungry for details on this chicken/gravy combination. To get things rolling, grilled, baked, or fried? Spices? Oils? Breading?
Does BBD think that "Brandy" is his money song, like George Jones is to Ronnie M?
I've heard BBD do "Brandy" several times, and though he does an admirable job, to truly own a song, it takes a little more than what he's bringing to the table so far.
Ronnie owns GJ songs. BBD and "Brandy?" Mickey Mouse.
I'm not one to brag, but I did a early Karaoke version of "Good Year for the Roses" one time on a trip to Japan ('87?) that brought a tear to the eye of many in the audience.
I gave some real zip to the line "the lawn could stand another mowin" as only someone who has spent a good deal of his youth in DeWitt can.
Hoosier Gato,
BBD's meal was actually roasted chicken with garlic, spices, and olive oil served with roasted potatoes. My suspicion is that BBD brought a flask filled with gravy (he always carries one) and added it to his food.
By the way, BBD, I'm bitter that you snagged my doggie bag!
My favorite BBD = "It's In His Kiss" the kid could bring Cher to tears.
9 Bells Gato?
Thanks for the update..Can you be more specific on WHICH spices were included?
This gravy blog is making me hungry. Were there biscuits involved? This isn't MJC "gravy" is it? I am talking about grease, clumps of flour and some other undiscernibles floating around.
If it ain't floating it ain't gravy.
Note to AJW: let's supplemnent keg o' slaw with keg o'gravy. Holds more than BBD's flask.
Speaking of karaoke, no one does it better than TRC and "Small Town", part of her JCM montage.
PS: JP spoke a strange North Suburban pidgin English that was indecipherable. All I could ever understand was "dress out", "shower out" and "weak side".
Any linguists out there to translate?
It was more often, "Weak SIDE, Eddie," speaking of DIT's big bro and member of that extraordinary team, the `75 cats. HG, a third team JV player, was proud to be relegated as 5'4" 120 lbf freshman guard to the varsity practice squad (along with a heftier BEP) listening at length to the dulcid north side patter of JP, instead of JV coach MR.
HG: I prefer "big and powerful" to "heftier". The WHS JV team was, for lack of a better word, awful that year.
DIT thanks for the shout on "it's in his kiss" - I like the Cher version - she's got one heck of a voice. Brandy is not my song - it is TRC's - but I am a Brandy enthusiast.
That was close enough to gravy for me - it how some serious natural chicken juices flowing around. That was good. I'll admit, I didn't sop. Weinheimer where are you now - there is a gravy conversation going on here?
Now this thread has potential - what is your money karaoke song? I've got to think about this. bbd
EEP does a mean rendition of Sister Christian. If Night Ranger ever reforms, they've got their lead singer.
I was trying to make my money song "Since You've Been Gone" by Rainbow, but it just never took off the way I'd dreamed...
I still remember how to spell Mr. P's last name only because he made it part of a test we had in 8th grade health. If only I could remember anything else from that year...
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