News and Observations from Wapella, Illinois: Home of the Wildcats.

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Saturday, September 5, 2009

Everyone to Heyworth at Once

Go Go Wildcats, March up 51; Over 136 or any method necessary to make it to the All-Wildcat Reunion at the Heyworth Legion Hall.

Come one, Come all, this is a big one. Everyone is invited. No ticket, no problem (or there might be a problem, but whatever, you can play Joker Poker in the Lounge and make a guest appearance after dinner)

It's Tonight in Heyworth where the Wildcats Roar


Anonymous said...

what's the report for those out of towners

Anonymous said...

A fine time was had by all. The committee did an excellent job putting together a fine evening. There was food and drink and camraderie. Evelyn Strange, Audrey Reynolds, Andrea Miller, Connie Durbin, Robert Cosentino Linda Rainey and Jerry Peroutka made appearances as well. The Class of 1979 appeared to be the best represented.

This graduate was disappointed that more local folks did not show up, however the loss was theirs' and not mine.

Mr. Mod, where was your sorry self?

Best to all,

BEP 1979

Proximity said...


Anonymous said...

A big thank you to the committee for an excellent reunion especially Brenda Colliver Underwood.

Nice to see everyone!!

Jeweler '79

Anonymous said...

Dear Proximity,

There is no nostalgia on my part. Wapella is what it is. I chose to make the best of the opportunity and catch up with some good folks. Rest easy that I won't move back and ruin your neighborhood. As for the visit, it was a great time. Better to focus on friends you see than those who don't come out.



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