News and Observations from Wapella, Illinois: Home of the Wildcats.

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Thursday, September 10, 2009

A Kind Word in the Pantagraph

Original Here HT BEP

Over the years, my wife and I have enjoyed attending various festivals and fairs throughout Central Illinois. As the weather cools and fall approaches, we look forward once again to visiting the upcoming Apple 'N Pork Festival in Clinton.

This year we're feeling a certain sadness because of the passing of Roland Schumaker late last winter. Roland was a true ambassador of good will and one we always hoped to see and visit with during the festival.

I'm sure the traditional ham, beans, and cornbread will be served again this year, but I, along with Roland's young daughter wonder, "Who will cook the hams?"

The Apple 'N Pork Festival will never be quite the same without Roland's special touch.

James VanHook


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