Here's a gem from the 1989 meeting minutes of the Board of Wapella Historians.
The 1974 Ford Ranchero has been named the official vehicle of Wapella, Illinois. As of this day, the members of the Board of Wapella Historians will exclusively travel to all Wapella related civic functions in a 1974 Ford Ranchero. Failing the availability of the Ranchero, a Plymouth Scamp will be an acceptable.
Recalls one old-timer
"The endorsement brought generous dollars into the kittyfrom the Ford Motor Company, while GM refused to return our calls to certifiy the El Camino, in fact they told me never to call them again and hung up on me. The Scamp didn't get any endorsement checks, but the board liked the name so much, we made it the alternate. The Ranchero had the looks we liked and the style that makes Wapella go. We probably shoulhd have chosen a newer model, but Ford quit making them in 1979"
Is the Ranchero still spotted in Wapella?
Another example of GM's shortsightedness.
Where did the Trans Am and Camaro land in the balloting?
If I recall the meeting, one of the criteria was that the vehicle must have an open air cargo area. There was some controversy as to the suitability of the Jeep Scrambler, but in the end, I think the board made the right choice.
Gosh folks! Does anyone in Wapella remember driving The Javlin, Henry J, Edsel, Packard, even the Model T Ford.
My dad had a Ranchero when I was very little. It was royal blue with the wood grain panel down the sides.
I'm on board with the Ranchero. Did Bradley Dean have a Ranchero? On a related note, the Dodge Rampage was a quite a machine although front wheel drive prevented some high performance. bbd
BT had an El Camino if I recall. Whitey had sort of a hybrid vehicle as well.
In the movie "Wapella" who would play former Math teacher/coach M. Rabbe?
I can't believe nobody has mentioned the Ranchero belonging to Capt. Vic and his emporess Ramona. Earl sank it in the swamp. RJT
that brings back precious memories of Greevey. "heard you locked that feller Vic and his Mrs. in the root cellar....heard you ran his car into a swamp..."
I need to review that fine film.
7 Son - Rabbe was be played by a young Michael Caine.
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