Gene "Hook" Mandrell and his wife Deanna are celebrating 50 years of marriage this year. Hook and Deanna were married at the Ellsworth Methodist June 8, 1958. They are the parents of Karen Alexander of Hallsville (WHS '82) and Debra Shull of Wapella (WHS '77), with 3 grandsons and 5 great grand children.
Buried in the Pantagraph story is the real clincher to the anniversary...Hook's best man was none other than Dick Burk. You put Dick Burk in a story, and you could get published in the Washington Post.
Congrats to the Mandrells!
And while we're on the subject of major anniversaries, June Thomas a patriarch of Wapella is celebrating his 102nd (yes, One Hundred and Second!) birthday. June is the father of Bob Thomas (who I saw at a fish fry last night, enjoying the cuisine in Waynesville), Ron "Whitey" Thomas, a Wapella sportsman and legend in his own right, Rachel Woolridge of Clinton, and Reva Stillman of Frankfort, Illinois, whose family is tapped in to the Wapella.com blog.
Congratulations Mr. Thomas on each of your 102 years and heading up one of Illinois' great families.
Congratulations to a fine baseball coach of the early 70's Wapella Cubs and local political kingmaker and his wife on 50 years together.
You should have saved that post for sweeps week....packed full of great information. I think the Dick Burk (many say the superior Khoury league coach, especially given his access to the pool) info was key.
I ran a few actuarial tables and am projecting Whitey to live to 130 years given modern medical technology and Whitey's clean living. happy trails to all , bbd
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