News and Observations from Wapella, Illinois: Home of the Wildcats.

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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

NIU to Evaluate Clinton

Per the Pantagraph, the City of Clinton will be evaluated by Northern Illinois University to determine the highlights and lowlights of the community. Clinton will spend $30K for this assessment.

I will take this one further. Can the loyal readers of assess Clinton for 1/2 that price? For $15K, oh hallowed county seat, we will offer you a Hog City assessment of your city.

What say the readers of How do you assess Clinton? What happened to bartender certification as an economic engine in Clinton by the way?


Anonymous said...

"you city?" Is Mr. Moderator taking ebonics night classes?


Anonymous said...

It's definitely not Blue and White, that's for sure.

Anonymous said...

Do you know why birds fly upside down over Clinton? Because there's nothing worth crapping on in Clinton!

Anonymous said...

Me thinks you made a typo in the first line. It's lowlifes, not lowlights.

Anonymous said...

Highlights = Sorrento's Pizza
Lowlights = Everything not listed above as a "highlight"

NIU "evaluating" Clinton is yet another fine example of Illinois' tax dollars at work. Glad I no longer live in Illinois...

Anonymous said...

How about a little love for the men in blue pinstripes? Magic Number at 9.

Anonymous said...

The highligts portion won't take long. EEP and I would do it for a week's worth of bar tab and some bad pizza; forget the $30K.

Someone is a great salesman and someone else is a sucker.


Anonymous said...

Not sure why all the hate from Hog City. I mean you do have an elevator and Clinton doesn't but outside of that I'm looking. Well there is that no.1 liver disease in Dewitt county thingy but I'm not sure that's something you have the state make a sign for.

Anonymous said...

DE - shouldn't an entrepreneurial Maroon (I'm guessing you're a Maroon?) such as yourself be signing up for bartending classes as Snappers? Good luck making that Jack and Coke. It's a tricky one.

Anonymous said...

"Good luck making that Jack and Coke. It's a tricky one."
That's what every Wapellican tells me. They can't seem to keep the ingedients straight.

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