Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, fasten your seat belt, warm up your pitching arm and prepare to re-live The #1 Event in Wapella History: The Wapella Dunk Tank has returned.
An alert Martin Morris, WHS '84, spotted the tanks at school festival in Clinton, Illinois, a city outside of Wapella, reportedly to the South.
"It was a sort of spiritual experience", mused Morris, "seeing the tank, enjoying the banter of a smart-alecky school principal raising money for one thing or another, and a line of enraged customers taking a shot at dunking the fine gentleman who volunteered for this sort of ritual humiliation".
That's principal, John Smith, in the tank at Webster School's PBIS celebration last week, giving his all for the kids of...Wapella...read it on the dunk tank by clicking on the photo...donated to the kids of Wapella, by Wapella legend KB Duncan.
It is heart-warming to see this machine put to good use again. If you are ever in Clinton, why not stop by Webster School and take a toss at dunking the Principal?
A moment to pay tribute to KB Duncan. Couldn't understand what he said but he was an icon during planting and harvesting seasons.
Just don't look at the arc weld, boy.
Thanks to Dudley Summers for making the first ever "prototype" dunk machine out of 2x12 lumber and thick visqueen plastic. The good old corn and bean festival was its original venue. Anybody old enough to admit sitting in the fetid water and being humiliated for a good cause?
I remember being at the Summers house with David when His Dad was getting the tank ready for the Corn and Bean Festival. We would sit on it while he tested the trigger mechanism.
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