News and Observations from Wapella, Illinois: Home of the Wildcats.

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Friday, October 5, 2007

Rock and Roll Wrestling Back in Wapella

You remember this guy from 1970's Vern Gagne Pro Wrestling don't you? Yup that is "Rock and Roll" Buck Zumhofe, one the greats of the squared circle, appearing at the ultimate circle, the Green Ring, the Irish O, the Northside, the one and only Irish Circle.

Tonight, for one night only, R&R Wrestling comes to Hog City in the parking lot of the Irish Circle with a full range of wrestling and novelty entertainment. The fun begins about 1854 in Wapella, and continues tonight with a 9PM starting time.

Enjoy some great wrestling entertainment! Which locals would you like to see in the ring tonight?


Anonymous said...

A little sore for open gym the following day if i recall....


Anonymous said...

Hmmm. Buck Zumhofe looks suspiciously like the guy on the left of The Circle sign with Steve M. in the controversial photo below.

The plot thickens....

Anonymous said...

Is Cowboy Bob Ellis available?


Anonymous said...

EEP - Short October for the Cubs. Cherokee said to watch out for tires on the road today as the wheels on their bus would fall off. RJT

Anonymous said...

See reply to Cubs baiting in Bernius/Morris thread.

WORTHLESS BASEBALL. I've never seen one team hit into so many double plays.

Anonymous said...

A short October indeed for said Cubbies team. What a shame.

Anonymous said...

Cubs stink. Hope Cub fans save memorabalia to give to their grandkids in anticipation of a second century of mediocrity and ineptitude. Did Jason Marquis get a start?


Anonymous said...

Maybe the words to Steve Goodman's song should be changed to "No, Cubs, No!"

I can just hear the crying of cubbie bears to these words:

No, Cubs, No!
No, Cubs, No!
Hey Chicago, whaddya say
The Cubs just blew another one today

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