News and Observations from Wapella, Illinois: Home of the Wildcats.
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Saturday, September 29, 2007
Till Tuesday
1) The Toohill family has requested that Tuesday be celebrated at Hughsday on (and in all of the Village, if you are up for it), honoring Huey and his legacy. The Board of Wapella Historians was unanimous on this one. Tuesday is Hughsday and all Huey all the time.
2) If you are harvesting, it will wait a few days. There is a Rosary and Wake for Huey in Granite City at 4:30 till ??. Come on down and pay your respects.
3) I have an old testimonial from about 1990, from playing basketball at Fell Park in Bloomington, in a (pretty good) game featuring 3 Sons of St. Patrick's from Wapella vs. 3 guys from Illinois Wesleyan. After the match, one of the IWU guys came over and asked Dennis Toohill, "Do you have a brother who lives in town?" Dennis replied "I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters in town", to which the IWU man said, "Does one of them flip pizza at Micheleo's"? DIT somewhat hesitantly stated "uh...yeah". Awestruck, the Titan got a gleam in his eye, extended his hand, and said "Your brother is Huey Toohill: The man is totally cool".
Which is a phrase I'm sure has been repeated over and over again by the thousands of people who knew WH Toohill.
Illini Smelling like Roses

.525: Congrats to all those Cub Fans

Friday, September 28, 2007
William Hugh Toohill, 1957-2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
From the Archives

#11 The catchphrase "Eight Skate and Donate" is coined in Wapella in 1848 coincidentally on the same date that Abraham Lincoln makes the "fool some of the people all of the time" speech in Clinton. For 12 years, "Eight Skate and Donate" is the #1 catchphrase in the US, outpacing "Ship, Captain, Crew" and "Full Boat" as spirited gambler lingo, until Lincoln's election in 1860 brought "fool some of the people" into the top catch phrase spot. "Eight, Skate, and Donate" was virtually unheard for nearly 120 years, only to come roaring back in 1985 when the Irish Circle gained new management more accommodating to the sporting type, boosting it into the 22 year run of rhyming rage that it holds to this day.
Next time, drive 18 Miles South for a Dust Up

Editors Historical Note:
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Who Dat Talking About Magic Numbers?

Those old Cubs are at it again, breaking hearts in two, and looking for some love, Miami-Style. Perhaps David Caruso lured them down to Miami to solve some crimes, but the Fish are definitely asking for the Cubs to bring down an old fashioned '68 style police thumping to get them to give it up.
Can those Cubs solve the pennant mystery? And speaking of mysteries, the logo on the left is an original Chicago logo, used until recently for one of the greatest places in Downtown Chicago. What is this recently retired logo from?
Monday, September 24, 2007
Thanks but No Thanks, Maroons!
For more information, a website has been established at:
To sum up the website, it is home-base to the organization: We're Against Toxic Chemicals
WATCH Clinton Landfill is a community-based grass roots coalition organized to oppose the permitting of a Chemical Waste Landfill in Clinton, Illinois. If approved, the existing solid waste landfill would begin accepting highly toxic and carcinogenic PCBs and other toxic wastes. Additionally the proposed site is located directly above the Mahomet Aquifer; a primary source of drinking water for many Central Illinois residents.
Please check out the above website, for all those you care about in Clinton. And think about this absurd proposal's proximity to God's County in Wapella.
Doesn't Clinton have enough waste heading north on a weekly basis for last call without making it official?
Response from a Hetzel Fan

Sometimes it takes a year or two, but this came in my inbox from a Richard Mullin last night with regard to a 2005 listing of the #10 event in Wapella History, Wilfred Hetzel appears in Wapella.
Wilfred Hetzel was a frail fellow in his 60s and 70s whotoured the country doing a basketball trick shot program forhigh school and Middle schools during a 47 year career. Hepromoted himself as the world's record holder for continuousfree throws - 110 baskets one after another! He would appearbefore the students wearing a sweat suit, but after beingintroduced, he always got a laugh when he'd move to the edgeof the gym and drop his pants. The sight of this 100 lb.wrinkled guy, with snow white hair, wearing shorts, neverfailed to amuse. He'd make baskets in any way one mightimagine! He'd lay on his back, balance the ball on the solesof his feet and kick the ball into the basket. He'd face theopposite way and throw the ball back over his head into thebasket. He'd stand on one foot while balancing the ball on theinstep of the other foot, then kick the ball into the basket.He'd switch feet and repeat it. He'd face the basket andbounce the ball on the floor in front of him -- right into thebasket. Shot after shot. Occasionally he'd miss one of theshots. In that case he'd try it over and over until hesucceeded. What a show. What a character. What an experience!Behind the scenes, and unknown to the children,Wilfred was an excellent planner as well as an excellent scammer. He had a country-wide mailing list and he'd schedule his appearances within a given area. He'd travel by bus from one stop to another. A school official would travel to a bus station or other school to get him. He'd use a copy machine or ditto machine to run off flyers in the school office -- begging postage from the secretaries -- sending advertisements to local schools stating the dates that he still had available. He'd be treated to a meal in the cafeteria. Sometimes the Student Council provided funds for an over-night motel stay. The ride to the motel, nearby school or bus station was the last you'd see of him until the next year's advertising flyer would arrive!
Thanks for the nice note Mr. Mullin. Also noted, the only word that rhymes with Hetzel is Pretzel.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
So Long Esmerelda

Wednesday, September 19, 2007
NIU to Evaluate Clinton

Tuesday, September 18, 2007 Mourns the Passing
All flags half mast please for Army Veteran Wayne Miller.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Brett Somers R.I.P.

Best known for her stint on Match Game, the sassy actress matched wits with regulars like Richard Dawson and Charles Nelson Reilly, and much of the humor came from her racy quips and putdowns.
Somers married actor Jack Klugman, the future star of the television shows "Quincy" and "The Odd Couple," in 1953. The two separated in 1974, but never divorced. Klugman's numerous romantic plotlines in "Quincy" were seen as a possible cause for separation; Klugman's rugged good looks were seen as the reason the never divorced.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Illini Come out Swinging

Go Illi-Ini!
Monday, September 10, 2007
Ernest Thorp vs. The Third Reich: Wildcats 1 - Nazi's 0

Saturday, September 8, 2007
Fond Memories

Garry Lamar, 47, was arrested Friday and released on $200 bail. He has been ordered to stay away from his 78-year-old mother, Mary Lamar Grancher.
He started threatening to kidnap the cat just over a year ago, after his mother kicked him out of her home, accusing him of abuse, North Kingstown Police Sgt. Daniel Ormond said.
"This isn't just a family cat," Ormond said. "She actually called this cat her companion since she lived alone."
During the past year, Lamar allegedly kidnapped the cat once and made kidnapping threats on an almost weekly basis, Ormond said. Police don't believe the cat was harmed but are continuing to investigate.
Grancher made at least two dozen payments totaling more than $20,000 in cash and checks to her son. Authorities are still sorting through her financial records to determine the precise amount.
A phone listing for Lamar couldn't be located. Court officials said Tuesday it was unclear whether he had an attorney.
An eanest reader asks..How many of Wapella's citizens have considered pet kidnapping? How many have successfully performed the act? Have any extorted money from the pet's owner? Does the name Lamar have anything to do with this new, and obviously rampant pathology? If you could kidnap a pet, who would it be? Why?
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
I'll Have the Southern Fried Wildcat with the Maroon Dressing

Monday, September 3, 2007
Maybe the Midwest's Finest
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Saturday, September 1, 2007
When Good Enough is Good Enough

Who will take it all? Who is going to stop the mighty Midwest from World Series domination?
Blog Archive
- Till Tuesday
- Illini Smelling like Roses
- .525: Congrats to all those Cub Fans
- William Hugh Toohill, 1957-2007
- From the Archives
- Next time, drive 18 Miles South for a Dust Up
- Who Dat Talking About Magic Numbers?
- Thanks but No Thanks, Maroons!
- Response from a Hetzel Fan
- So Long Esmerelda
- NIU to Evaluate Clinton
- Mourns the Passing
- Brett Somers R.I.P.
- Illini Come out Swinging
- Ernest Thorp vs. The Third Reich: Wildcats 1 - Naz...
- Fond Memories
- I'll Have the Southern Fried Wildcat with the Maro...
- Maybe the Midwest's Finest
- Second Easiest Question on
- When Good Enough is Good Enough