News and Observations from Wapella, Illinois: Home of the Wildcats.

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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Honorable David Taylor

Yes, we know it, tries to stay far and wide from the odorous sewer of politics, but when one of our regulars, and a great contributor to our Village Bugle wins a hotly contested race, it is time to Sound the Trumpets (or just the Second Cornet section of the WHS Marching band, if they are available).

Congratulations to David Taylor, one the most civic minded, pro-Wapella members of the Village. David promises to continue his championship of Wapella and its water supply as a new member of the DeWitt County Board.

Please wave your Wapella Flag proudly today for David Taylor.


Anonymous said...

Dont be too hard on me...'boss' LOL!

Anonymous said...

Congrats DT! Best of luck serving my home town.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I don't know him, but I've read some of his letters to the editor over the years. And I was proud of Raquel when I learned that he was her husband.

He was a good choice for Raquel and good choice by the people of DeWitt County.


Anonymous said...

Is Raquel Williams married to DT?

Anonymous said...

Ok, enough congratulatory notes ----down to business ---- where does David stand on the issue of what if there were a the loose rooster in the county? Would he incarcerate a loose rooster? Similarly (this involving some time travel) would he have discplined Gilbert Burke for shooting Dr. Ken Jackson's loose ferret Ricky? C'mon Taylor you can't dodge these questions...

BTW, congrats - we need people to step up to the plate. bbd

Anonymous said...

Congrats DT and Raquel. I hope Matt doesn't mind.

Anonymous said...

I think DT found his way into his first political scandal...and he hasnt even been sworn in! And yes BBD, I have to know what his stance is on loose roosters & ferrets. Such Tom Foolery must not be tolerated within our county lines.

Anonymous said...

Hope he votes yes to approve the minutes from the last meeting

Anonymous said...

Suggest you allow chicken fighting in Wapella as part of an economic stimulus package. This will be packaged with the film festival. My lead man, Sonny D, will be heading up the effort.

M. Noriega

Anonymous said...

M. Noriega, humble yourself before my greatness. Economic stimulus package? Ha, ha, ha...we don't need no stinkin' economic stimulus package. Chicken fighting in Wapella? Hmmm...America's chickens must have come home to roost in Hog City.

H. Chavez

Anonymous said...

way to go DT!!! VEEMAN

e said...

Congratulations DT on a successful county board race. it will be nice to have some representation from Wapella on the county board.By the way DT would vote yes on the minutes if they were correct, so far no luck with that.

Anonymous said...

Always good to have GOOD local, fair and honest representation. About the minutes - I understand they are taken straight from the tape recording. Kind of hard to argue with that.

nic said...

Congratulations to David Taylor. i am sure he will do a great job on the DeWitt County Board just as he has done on the Wapella Village Board. As for the minutes, I have been receiving the minutes in the mail over the last several months, not sure why! The only thing I can say is every time Trustee Taylor has something to say the tape seems to mess up and his words are inaudible!! It seems strange to me that someone with so much to say the clerks recorder never seems t pick up on! Keep up the good work Mr. Taylor you are a fine person for both jobs

Anonymous said...

There's nothing wrong with receiving the minutes. They are a good way to recap the meeting for those that cannot attend the meeting.

Not everyone has the time to check out every meeting like alot of the colorful characters who do frequent them.

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