Congratulations go out to 2 of Wapella's finest Irishmen on some rather impressive accomplishments.
Fr. Patrick Henehan will reach his 10 year anniversary as the Pastor of St. Patricks Parish on May 23. Through his 10 years, Fr. Patrick has been the Chaplain at Central Catholic High School in Bloomington, in addition to his service in Wapella. A very active Priest, Fr. Patrick has devoted himself to Parish activities, education, and the fast paced lifestyle of Hog City.
Also congratulated, our own frequent commenter, "Hoosier Gato", who has been named a (full, no qualifiers) Professor in the Dept. of Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering at Notre Dame University. Professor Gato is in his 20th year at Notre Dame, corresponding to a 20 year drought in Notre Dame National Championship football, as we will not give him credit for 1988, when he was still with the Illini.
A round of applause for two of Wapella's finest! Photo suggested by EEP who notes that Henehan is a derivative of Heenan (as in Bobby the Brain pictured here), and Black Jack Lanza kind of looks like the Hoosier Gato with a phony mustache and cowboy outfit.
Where is Black Jack Mulligan? Which Black Jack was meaner? Any idea where a guy could get a jacket like Bobby's? Great call on the photo EEP.
Congrats to the padre and the perfesser.
great picture....
Fr. H - thank you for sticking with the fine folks of H City and congrats to Dr. J! bbd
Good news from the Golden Dome. All the best J.
We are proud of you Joe. Wish your Dad could be here to brag about you...we will just do it for him.
Congratulations, and God Bless to "Professor Hoosier Gato!" This former classmate is quite happy for you!
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