News and Observations from Wapella, Illinois: Home of the Wildcats.

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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Reunite Wapella

Nothing does a Wildcat enjoy more than reuniting with other fellow Wildcats (or maybe not, I am around a few of them every day, and they are doozies). So the great Chuck Underwood put together seventy-eight former students of the Wapella Schools at a reunion last Saturday night at his home, east of Wapella on the Farmer City blacktop.

Students from Florida and Texas were in attendance as well as 91-year-old Ray Thompson who was ag teacher at Wapella High School in the 1940's.

I, for one, have yet to attend a WHS reunion where the DeWitt County Sheriff was not called. Thanks to Chuck and Marilyn for keeping this one under control!


Anonymous said...

Any news on the town vs. country celebrity softball tourny? It could be somewhat of a reunion.

Anonymous said...

Rover - cmon, I need the Underwood report? If you weren't able to make it, please share a "what may have happened" piece - BBD

Anonymous said...

I was there. It was a quiet evening, no excitement, other than seeing former students. Large sign posted at entrance. No Alchol.

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