Many people try to find Wapella natives, mostly out of some sort of grudge or unpaid debt, but others just have a sincere need to connect with most of the most entertaining people around. Trouble is with all the moving from place to place, it is quite possible to lose Jason Karr for example, a big problem to be sure.
Well the folks from the internet have now brought us the ultimate connection tool, and it is growing like wild in the home of the Wildcats, yes, Facebook has a Wapella connection on it now. Orignially started as a college yearbook sort of thing, Facebook starts with alumni connections and expands from there.
Just last week I was priveleged to add Wapella original Kris Hedrick as a friend. Kris a recognized character and fine gentleman, but it is just not all that likely that Kris and I would get to pass around information like we do, if not for the Facebook.
Here is a grainy photo of Kris, and a full color Steve Marriott, who kind of looks like Kris Hedrick. Now, if I can find out a good celebrity lookalike for Tim Baker and Nick Buraglio...
Let me do it before someone else does:
Damn it. Beaten to the punch.
Nick = William "Billy" Katt.
One more time: where are the Valley teams?
Julius Rosenberg
Sean (Rudy) Astin as Tim Baker? Ruddiger
Nick Buraglio is best potrayed by James Brolin.
Oddly enough, Tim Baker also James Brolin.
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