News and Observations from Wapella, Illinois: Home of the Wildcats.

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Tuesday, March 31, 2009 Mourns the Passing of Bill Morris

Bill Morris has passed away last night at home in Wapella. More details to follow. Bill was a true gentleman and fine friend.


Anonymous said...

Bill was an outstanding leader in the Wapella community. His insight and wisdom will be remembered by many in the next few days and weeks. I recall working with him on the fire department and with the Wapella Corn and Bean Festival. My deepest sympathy to Carol and the rest of the Morris family.
George Spray

Anonymous said...

We will always rembember Bill as the guy who worked at the grain elevators in Wapella and dumped all of our grain trucks. We always enjoyed visiting with him; especially when we saw him uptown at the local post office.... Rest in peace, Bill & sympathy to Carol and her family.
Ginny & Mick Murphy

EEP said...

R.I.P. Bill. A "Yay Wapella!!!" goes out to you.

My sympathies to all the Morris family.

Anonymous said...

1. best garage door in Wapella history.

2. My dad used to drive through his driveway/yard at him when he and Carol sat in lawn chairs after mass and yell "wapella" at him --- they couldn't have been happier to see each other.

3. he scared the hell out of me to mess with me the first time I drove a grain truck for a dump. that was a good one.

4. perfect choice for grand marshal a few years ago at the celebration

5. I always liked how Bill took a great interest in kids

Incredibly likable guy & one who thought about other people constantly. RIP William - bbd

jmk said...

Rest In peace, grandpa Bill...

Anonymous said...

My sympathies to all the Morris family. Bill will be missed.


Anonymous said...

None finer than Bill. A true spirit of Hog City. 10-4 on all of the dumping grain stories. Bill gave me my first ride to top of the elevator to see the view of Hog City and the surrounding country. RIP Mayor RJT

Anonymous said...

I have nothing but fond memories of William Morris. And yes, to add to the grain delivery stories, it was a joy to interact with Bill. I remember well as a little pre-shaver riding with my dad, J. Leo, in his old red truck to unload grain. Bill and he always found original comedy material while the load was lightened.

Bill also was great when I brought up my first loads by myself. He made you feel good!

RIP Bill, and my condolences to the Morris family.

Joe Powers

hrm72 said...

My sympathies to Carol and the family. Bill was a wonderful gentleman always with a smile and a wave. RIP Bill.

SB4 said...

I will always remember Bill yelling at a speeding teenager who had the audacity to pass by him, where ever he might be in Wapella.....with a loud "Heeeeeeere!" I never heard a discouraging word from him about anybody and boy could he get on Emmett Storey (in a good natured way of course.) He made my childhoold growing up in Wapella a better experience than it would have been without him. Sincerest condolences to Carol, Kim and Kenny to all of his extended family....... Steve Rousey, Champaign, IL

Jean Thorp said...

Bill Morris was the kindest driving instructor. I wonder how many young wildcats he coached through the elevator driveway?

Wapella will be lonesome without him.

My sympathy to Carol, his family and the village of Wapella.

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