There deadline has passed, but Wildcats are granted a reprieve.
Maybe there was a band named Second Chance that played at prom or something, or one of Clem Toohill's pet dogs in the 1970's, insert your own joke here, either way you win.....there is a Second Chance to get registered for the massive WHS Reunion to be held in Heyworth (where else?).
Here is the tipoff
The Wapella Wildcats are headed to Heyworth in what promises to be a barnburner of a WHS Reunion. Saturday September 5, 2009 at the high respectable American Legion Hall in Heyworth Illinois a convocation like no other will be held.
Starts at 5PM
Ends at ??? (always a big draw)
Appetizers, Tea and Lemonade will be provided.
There will be drinking, dancing and fighting, so come prepared for at least 2 out of the 3.
If you click on the picture you will get a larger image. Or just
click here.
You should then be able to print out a full color flyer to be strategically placed at all 9 Wapella businesses. How about the Churches as well?
Here are some contacts, representing some of the biggest names in WHS Alumni today.
Class of 1969
Chris Thorp - (217) 781-2829 email - kernel@leapstream.net
Class of 1970
Steve Schmid - (309) 824-4156 email - sjnschmd@aol.com
Class of 1971
Judy (Schmid) Mowery - (309) 473-2078 email - judy.mowery@verizon.net
Class of 1972
Mike Colliver - (309) 473-2229 email - mkc506@msn.com
Class of 1973
Patty (Ritter) Rich - (309) 838-5005
Class of 1974
Jackie (Sapp) Palmer - (309) 378-2524
Class of 1975
Tammy (Colliver) Doner - (309) 473-3606 email - tsdrld77@yahoo.com
Linda (Reynolds) Whitaker - (309) 821-9631 email - linwhitaker@yahoo.com
Class of 1976
Cindy (Shoemaker) White - (217) 949-4981 email - bcwhite77@mchsi.com
Nancy (Duncan) Witten - (309) 261-0054 email - nwitten@fsb1.com
Class of 1977
Karen (Ledbetter) Underwood - (217) 935-3005
email - karen.underwood@exeloncorp.com
Cheryl Reynolds - (217) 935-5469 email - creynolds_21@yahoo.com
Class of 1978
Etta (Duncan) Whitted - (217) 935-9161 email - awhit59@dtnspeed.net
Class of 1979
Brenda (Colliver) Underwood - (309) 473-2190
email - dukefaninill@yahoo.com
Elizabeth (Holland) Lord - (217) 935-8756 email - lizzard79@hotmail.com
All are welcome. Note to Brenda and EEP are you looking for contacts for 1980+? I think our loyal readers can provide.